Monday, May 31, 2010

This shows Mr. Fishlabs its latest iPhone game

Cologne - The Gamescom in Cologne: playground is not only crazy geeks from around the world, but also battle-field of industry giants.
The millions of game in the booming mobile phone market has only just begun ...
EXPRESS met the night before the big opening of the fair in Cologne, a true "big players", Michael Schade (40) from Hamburg.
His story began as Bill Gates in a backyard and an idea, now he sold his mobile phone games in the world - at prices of up to € 4.99 per download.
"Last year alone, approximately twelve million people have one of our games loaded on their phones," says the Daddel-millionaire who does not talk about money, but Hanseatic cool says: "We are doing fine."
We - that are now 28 employees of the company he founded Cyber "Fishlabs. And will multiply, given the wrong phone boom is soon to be:
"The market is global and huge. There are around four billion mobile phones, but so far only about six percent also use their phones to play. For young people online games are part of life as cinema-ins go. Especially in Russia, India and China is going on first. "
The possibilities seem endless on the Internet: why not buy consoles when games can also be downloaded directly to the TV? "Our newest product!" Says Schade.
"Christmas, we bring to load the first television on the market, the games from the Internet to an internal module and can be immediately retrievable. The remote control is then used as a kind of joystick. "