Friday, May 7, 2010

Siamese twins separated

Sydney --
Almost three years have lived Siamese twins Trishna and Krishna, with heads fused together - since Tuesday, they sleep in separate beds.
Doctors in Australia have separated the two girls in a 27-hour operation. Everything had gone well so far, "said the surgeon Leo Donnan, who headed the Royal Children's Hospital in Melbourne, a team of 16 doctors and nurses.
It is still too early to evaluate the operation as a success. "The two still have a difficult time in front of him," he said. The hospital estimated the chances that one or both girls carried away on brain damage 50 percent.
The girls should be kept for several days in an artificial coma. Subsequently, several operations are needed to establish the skull again.
Trishna and Krishna are from Bangladesh. Her parents had given after the birth in an orphanage because they could not take care of the two. A charity organization she brought to Melbourne two years ago.
Even in India are waiting on the head-knit conjoined twins for surgery. Vani and Veena (6) should be operating this year in Singapore, but the Indian authorities are still reluctant. The operation would venture the same surgeon who operated on 2003, the 28-year-old twins Ladan and Laleh Bijani from Iran. The two did not survive the surgery.