Monday, May 31, 2010

This shows Mr. Fishlabs its latest iPhone game

Cologne - The Gamescom in Cologne: playground is not only crazy geeks from around the world, but also battle-field of industry giants.
The millions of game in the booming mobile phone market has only just begun ...
EXPRESS met the night before the big opening of the fair in Cologne, a true "big players", Michael Schade (40) from Hamburg.
His story began as Bill Gates in a backyard and an idea, now he sold his mobile phone games in the world - at prices of up to € 4.99 per download.
"Last year alone, approximately twelve million people have one of our games loaded on their phones," says the Daddel-millionaire who does not talk about money, but Hanseatic cool says: "We are doing fine."
We - that are now 28 employees of the company he founded Cyber "Fishlabs. And will multiply, given the wrong phone boom is soon to be:
"The market is global and huge. There are around four billion mobile phones, but so far only about six percent also use their phones to play. For young people online games are part of life as cinema-ins go. Especially in Russia, India and China is going on first. "
The possibilities seem endless on the Internet: why not buy consoles when games can also be downloaded directly to the TV? "Our newest product!" Says Schade.
"Christmas, we bring to load the first television on the market, the games from the Internet to an internal module and can be immediately retrievable. The remote control is then used as a kind of joystick. "

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Mainz as good as gone up

Fürth - Two years after his Bundesliga relegation is derFSV Mainz in 2005 before returning to the German Elite League. DieMannschaft of football coach Jörn Andersen celebrated on Sunday mitdem 2-0 (0-0) at bogey team SpVgg Greuther Fürth and has a wichtigenAuswärtssieg before the season finale in a week now besteChancen on the rise.
The doors to guests in the front of 13 300 spectators rasantenPartie achieved Markus Feulner (61 minutes) and Elkin Soto (89). On the climb race against the third party first FCNürnberg reaches the people of Mainz on Sunday now a point against Rot-Weiss Oberhausen imHeimspiel.
Fürth has failed in the rise of Heimpleiteeinmal more races.
In the initial phase in Fürth certain the referee Gespanndas Done. First was the penalty-kick in an action (10.Minute) against the Mainz director Feulner, then a header versagteSchiedsrichter Knut Kircher (13th minute) of Fürth Stefan Reisinger recognition.
Also ran the game from then on turbulent. Both Mannschaftenhatten repeated chances to lead, the largest awarded Fürth attacker Sami Allagui, with the ball (43) continued from close range to denPfosten.
After the change then brought infront Feulner guests. A few minutes after the red card for violent conduct Biliskovwegen Fuerth Marino (80) caused Soto for the decision.
All information and statistics for the game Fürth - Mainz>
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Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Naked couple wandered around in storm

Werl - Truly lightning had sex a couple in East Westphalia on Tuesday evening. When driving on the highway 44, a man (36) and his girlfriend (28) felt desire for sex.
At the rest stop hair strand is made a pair from the Westerwald in the bushes and tore the clothes from his body. But suddenly the storm was there: lightning, thunder, dark clouds.
The two ran away in panic and left keys and clothes are in the bush. But the two lost their way, wandered around helplessly in the dark. They were observed by concerned witnesses who called the police.
Officers found the couple finally soaking and concerned the two garments. The bushes were the two does not necessarily back and therefor had to stay with friends in Soest. For in the bush was indeed the car keys ...

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Tom Cruise forces Katie to the beauty spa

Los Angeles - Tom Cruise is the undisputed figurehead of Scientology. His appearance is of immense importance for the Church - and of course that of his wife Katie Holmes.
But which has let in the opinion of Tom lately going something is to guide you smoke a fresh start to take him to the palm. And Scientology boss David Miscavige is little to feel happy about the current appearance-image of Mrs. Holmes.
What to do? The idea: A beauty treatment for the 30-year-old. "Had to sit after an extreme detoxification, in which Katie five hours in the sauna, will now take care doctors and homeopaths to her pale skin - with the Scientology method Sparkle," a friend of Cruise.
Part of the beauty therapy had been given Katie recently been at the Ritz Carlton Spa in Tokyo, including stone massage, a rejuvenating facial, manicure and pedicure.
Here also read: Tom Cruise ask in fear of death> extras eleven million dollars from Tom Cruise> From Tom Cruise in the comedy>

Friday, May 7, 2010

Siamese twins separated

Sydney --
Almost three years have lived Siamese twins Trishna and Krishna, with heads fused together - since Tuesday, they sleep in separate beds.
Doctors in Australia have separated the two girls in a 27-hour operation. Everything had gone well so far, "said the surgeon Leo Donnan, who headed the Royal Children's Hospital in Melbourne, a team of 16 doctors and nurses.
It is still too early to evaluate the operation as a success. "The two still have a difficult time in front of him," he said. The hospital estimated the chances that one or both girls carried away on brain damage 50 percent.
The girls should be kept for several days in an artificial coma. Subsequently, several operations are needed to establish the skull again.
Trishna and Krishna are from Bangladesh. Her parents had given after the birth in an orphanage because they could not take care of the two. A charity organization she brought to Melbourne two years ago.
Even in India are waiting on the head-knit conjoined twins for surgery. Vani and Veena (6) should be operating this year in Singapore, but the Indian authorities are still reluctant. The operation would venture the same surgeon who operated on 2003, the 28-year-old twins Ladan and Laleh Bijani from Iran. The two did not survive the surgery.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Cardiac Arrest! Professional footballers in a coma

Seville - a shock in the Spanish league. Antonio Puerta of Sevilla at the weekend is a Ligaspielzusammengebrochen. He suffered a cardiac arrest. According to press reports, was the heart of footballer insgesamtfünf time stood still. Puerta was the doctors each Malwiederbelebt.
The condition of the 22-year-old was still "critical", teiltendie doctors of a hospital in Seville on Monday. "This is einzigPositive that no deterioration has occurred."
The defender was Komaversetzt by doctors in an artificial and artificially ventilated. The cardiac arrest was caused durchschwere arrhythmias. Damage desGehirns could not be excluded.
Puerta's team-mate of ex-Stuttgart, Andreas Hinkel, who was amSamstag in the league match against FC Sevilla Getafe (4:1) ohneEinwirkung An opponent collapsed on the lawn. Erkonnte leave the place under its own power, but suffered another fainting spell in derKabine.
Sevilla club president Jose Maria del Nido said: "The Zeitspielt for Puerta. With every minute that passes increases dieHoffnung."
The newspaper El Pais reported that the Spielerhabe suffered in the past only two fainting spells. Dieseseien, however, been attributed to the heat. The 22-year-old hattezu start of the season all the medical tests were flawless.