Monday, April 19, 2010

Mayor kills lover and himself

Metz - The murder shocked the French ruling party UMP. Mr Jean-Marie Demange shot and killed his lover - then he committed suicide.
A spokeswoman for the prefecture in MetzbestÃĪtigte the case on Monday. The backgrounds are indeed ambiguous. Apparently, the 65-year-old politician was suffering from severe depression.
French media reports that had not coped Demange, which he had suffered in the local elections in Thionville, a bitter defeat. Demange was there since 1995, mayor.
To be safe so far is only that the woman Demange have been drawn in Thionville, near the Luxembourg border. There he had shot her and then immediately after the murder with the same weapon or killed at the scene. According to French media reports, the mother of two had damitgedroht leave to Demange.
Demange was from 1995 until March this year, Mayor vonThionville. He belonged to the ruling party UMP. For seinerWiederwahl lacked only a few dozen votes.
DieNationalversammlung did not initially comment on the case.