Sunday, April 25, 2010

Dying in front of cameras

London - 2002 was the first time Jade Goody in Big Brother, and became famous.
Now the whole world takes part in her fate: Jade dies - and the front of the camera.
Once again in 2007 she took part in BB, followed in August 2008 the news that Goody suffering from cervical cancer. The diagnosis came hard. But instead of retreating, gave Jade Goody continue interviews. Well Goody has been admitted to a hospital. Previously, she spent a day in a hospice in Chelsea, but the pain became too much.
Always at her side is her husband, Jack Tweed. The star, who grew up in south London, wants to earn as much money with their illness: The money will help her two sons after her death to a better life.
Offers for one last interview has been around from the American Talkmastern Larry King and Oprah Winfrey. If necessary, both want to start the interview via satellite and broadcast on American television.