Sunday, April 25, 2010

Dying in front of cameras

London - 2002 was the first time Jade Goody in Big Brother, and became famous.
Now the whole world takes part in her fate: Jade dies - and the front of the camera.
Once again in 2007 she took part in BB, followed in August 2008 the news that Goody suffering from cervical cancer. The diagnosis came hard. But instead of retreating, gave Jade Goody continue interviews. Well Goody has been admitted to a hospital. Previously, she spent a day in a hospice in Chelsea, but the pain became too much.
Always at her side is her husband, Jack Tweed. The star, who grew up in south London, wants to earn as much money with their illness: The money will help her two sons after her death to a better life.
Offers for one last interview has been around from the American Talkmastern Larry King and Oprah Winfrey. If necessary, both want to start the interview via satellite and broadcast on American television.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Mayor kills lover and himself

Metz - The murder shocked the French ruling party UMP. Mr Jean-Marie Demange shot and killed his lover - then he committed suicide.
A spokeswoman for the prefecture in Metzbestätigte the case on Monday. The backgrounds are indeed ambiguous. Apparently, the 65-year-old politician was suffering from severe depression.
French media reports that had not coped Demange, which he had suffered in the local elections in Thionville, a bitter defeat. Demange was there since 1995, mayor.
To be safe so far is only that the woman Demange have been drawn in Thionville, near the Luxembourg border. There he had shot her and then immediately after the murder with the same weapon or killed at the scene. According to French media reports, the mother of two had damitgedroht leave to Demange.
Demange was from 1995 until March this year, Mayor vonThionville. He belonged to the ruling party UMP. For seinerWiederwahl lacked only a few dozen votes.
DieNationalversammlung did not initially comment on the case.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Whore stabbed colleague

Bonn - knife fight between two prostitutes from the Bonn Straßenstrich: A 28-year-old is soon to trial for attempted murder because she slammed her colleague with a knife in the butt.
It all started in harmony: The two took a bitch in the night of 15 August, jointly on the way to "work" that went in the direction of streetwalkers. On the way they took a cocktail of cocaine and heroin.
Then a break in the underpass at the prelate-Schleich-house. The ladies went into a crouch to consume an additional unit of consumption of the drug cocktails.
Suddenly, the victim later packed his things, and all the drugs. What the 26-year-old had apparently overlooked: you only owned the cocaine, the heroin was in possession of their colleague.
The woman suddenly pulled a kitchen knife, it took the 26-year-old's neck. And out came: "Re the rest of the drugs out." When the victim refused, the perpetrator pulled her hair, gave her a knee.
The victim was writhing, wanted to come out with the drugs now. But the Messerstecherin flew into a rage. Dr. Thomas Stollenwerk, Chairman of the district court: "According to the indictment sought the woman still violently in the stomach to bite. You hit the bottom of the victim, because it could turn away."
 That's not all: The challenged prostitute managed to stop the blade with your hand - which is not observed the perpetrator. She shouted: "That's it now." The remaining stump and rammed in the stomach. Only then could escape the 26-year-old.
Days later, the victim Messerstecherin recognized again in the City. The woman was arrested. Soon she is sitting on the dock of the court.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Record fines for Luca Toni and Philipp Lahm

Bayern rock hard! According to Luca Toni's flight, and Phillip Lahm fierce criticism of the club policy of Rekordmeister upheld mercilessly.
On the club website says that Luca Toni will be punished with a 'sensitive financial penalty. A specific sum does not include the club, but the amount should at least in the five-figure range.
Toni took the liberty with the "unauthorized and premature exit from the League game, an unacceptable amount of discipline," it says.
And international Philip Lahm gets mighty anger. Chairman Karl-Heinz Rummenigge in an official statement: "We are disappointed because, as vice-captain here actually has a special responsibility for the team and the club. Philipp Lahm is demonstrated, therefore, with a fine, as it has not existed yet at that level with FC Bayern Munich. "
At the same time Rekordmeister published an internal code of conduct. Literally it means:
1) interviews must be requested exclusively organized and presented to the club and to authorize for the player. This is defined in the License Agreement and by each player bestätigt.2) It is an absolute taboo in the public criticism of the club, give the coach and players.
Against both these conditions Lahm in "blatant and unforgivable way has failed."
The muzzle of the Bavaria-rebel: in future, it should consider the pros of the master record twice if they publicly criticize coaching staff and club head.
Also of interest
Luca Toni skin just after replacement
Magath Nobody annoys the Bavaria
Lahm looks gross errors in club management
"So we played twenty years ago!"

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Cologne's run to the lawyer

Cologne --
It is only a small CD. But she has what it takes. Cologne also because of her panic.
The CD - it contains information about dirty money accounts. Prevails among lawyers busy. One of them is Thomas Wenzler, specialist lawyer for tax law. He also has plenty to do at the moment.
Since the beginning of the week, the mysterious CD in circulation should be. "Normally in touch with me about two clients per week. Now I have my hands full too. "This week alone were already 15 people who suggest that perhaps could be her name on the CD.
"It is not always the millionaires and managers:" Lischen Mueller "has probably saved a little bit together, and now she has a problem with the Treasury. There's not always the evil intent behind the dirty money accounts."
Nevertheless, the matter must be clarified. This gives Thomas Wenzler erstmal an overview and estimates the assets. "Dear estimate higher. If one attaches too low, the client goes out only up to this amount, with impunity. "
Then the documents will be forwarded to the Treasury. It is important that you imagine the criminal discovery itself indicates. If you want it at all. Wenzler: "Of course there are older people who want to get on it. The say: "I'm so old I put the not in jail anyway."